

Magister Vitellius Setinus at “Spoleto Arte”

Magister Vitellius Setinus at “Spoleto Arte”

The series of lectures presented at Spoleto on remarkable characters closes with one on Franco Vitelli, a man of uncertain age, although he was known to be active between 1282 and 1299. He is the last member of the Cosmati family who has created marvellous inlaid geometric stone ‘carpets’ with classical taste and oriental patterns that defy time. Not...

Marmorari Magistri Romani

Marmorari Magistri Romani

...the Roman Magistri developed a language that was appropriate to the new liturgical values of the Christian religion. Like this, the divine word remained camouflaged in the fractal geometry of Arabic mathematics...

Marbres de couleur. Pierres et architecture de l’Antiquité au XVIII siècle

Marbres de couleur. Pierres et architecture de l’Antiquité au XVIII siècle

Les marbres de couleur sont des pierres pnécieuses enchâssées dans les joyaux de I'architecture. Cet ouvrage entend suivre une trace à la fois historique et chronologique de l'utilisation des différentes pierres dans l'architecture italienne, de l'époque romaine au baroque.

L’Università dei Marmorari di Roma

L’Università dei Marmorari di Roma

The Università dei Marmorari in Rome is extremely grateful to the National Committee for the Celebrations of the Sixth Centenary of its foundation, for having made the publication of this small volume possible...

Marmi colorati. Le pietre e l’architettura dall’Antico al Barocco

Marmi colorati. Le pietre e l’architettura dall’Antico al Barocco

This book aims to follow a track the historical chronology of the use of the stone material in Italian architecture from the Roman period to the Baroque...

Ugly restoration to the floor in Monreale Cathedral

Ugly restoration to the floor in Monreale Cathedral

The mosaic floors in the presbytery and lateral naves in Monreale Cathedral underwent conservative restorations between 2007 and 2009. The degradation of the medieval mosaics (that had already been restored in the 16th century) caused by the excessive presence of the public, was also perhaps increased due to the habit of some tourists to purloin...