

BUFALE ARCHEOLOGICHE in Giornale dell’Arte October 2015 “Tut remain in his apartment ”

BUFALE ARCHEOLOGICHE in Giornale dell’Arte October 2015 “Tut remain in his apartment ”

Egypt: the Minister of Antiquities, Mr Eldamaty, decided a few days ago that Tutankhamun’s mummy (i.e. the real body) will remain in his tomb, the KV62. According to the Ministry, after many technical debates, this decision was taken for conservation reasons and problems. A side chamber in KV62, discovered by Howard Carter in 1922, will...

Remembering Luigi De Cesaris…

Remembering Luigi De Cesaris…

Between 2006 and 2008 De Cesaris led the restoration of the tetrarchic frescoes in the Temple of Amun in Luxor supported by USAID, ARCE (American Research Center in Egypt). During the work, Luigi asked my advice concerning the iconography of the images that he was cleaning and unveiling. I would often go and visit De Cesaris at his Egyptian...

Porphyry, Red Imperial Porphyry Power and Religion

Porphyry, Red Imperial Porphyry Power and Religion

This monograph examines the stone material par excellence used throughout the Roman Empire and the most costly of Diocletian’s Edict: Egyptian Red Porphyry. The fortunate circumstances of knowing Professor Raniero Gnoli, who wrote the introduction to this book, and the research and travel carried out with him, have allowed the author to present a large amount of information...

Il Granito della Colonna

Il Granito della Colonna

Among all the Roman quarries of the Eastern Desert of Egypt, the whereabouts of the quarry of the Granite of the Column has, until today, remained almost unknown. However in the first half of the last century, the erudite Roman collector and lawyer Francesco Belli, already describes this stone with its pale grey to almost...

L’Eldorado dei faraoni. Alla scoperta di Berenice Pancrisia

L’Eldorado dei faraoni. Alla scoperta di Berenice Pancrisia

The exciting news of one of the greatest archaeological discoveries: the mythical Berenice Panchrysos, the all-golden city, founded in 270 BC by Ptolemy Philadelphus, (who gave the city his mother’s name) and rediscovered in the Nubian Desert by an Italian expedition in 1989. A great adventure is recounted in detail by the protagonists – the...

The Four Crowned Saints at Luxor

The Four Crowned Saints at Luxor

The Four Crowned Saints in a probable overpainting of the tetrarchic fresco in the apse of the Temple of Amun in Luxor. Download PDF (in italian, 582 KB) Text from Marmorari Magistri Romani di Dario Del Bufalo. Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2010.