

Drone over the Theatre of Marcellus

Drone over the Theatre of Marcellus

Together with Riccardo Filippini, I flew a Hexacopter Drone over the archaeological area of the Theatre of Marcellus to produce a high definition aerial film. To watch it, click on the photo of the Theatre of Marcellus.

The Marble Empire. The unique stone that made Rome beautiful

The Marble Empire. The unique stone that made Rome beautiful

The «marble hunters» both past and present searching for quarries of the «shining stone», which at times are more valuable than gold mines

Hands of Eros

Hands of Eros

“Hands of Eros’ illuminates the sensuous and private world of Milton Hebald, master sculptor, whose hands have molded the human spirit from terracotta into bronze for over eighty years. This film reveals the private thoughts and skills of a man who, even at 94, enlivens his sculptures with beauty and innate eroticism. This non-linear short...

Lost road of the Popes: Via Papale

Lost road of the Popes: Via Papale

“Starting with Rome in ruin and the Catholic Church under siege, a miracle began. “Lost Road of The Popes: Via Papale” explores the works of six powerful Popes – and recounts how they took on the task of first rebuilding, then glorifying the new Rome. The film describes how Rome and its Papal rulers not...

L’Impero di Marmo: Interview with Dario Del Bufalo

L’Impero di Marmo: Interview with Dario Del Bufalo

Interview by Folco Quilici to Dario Del Bufalo

The Lost Army of King Cambyses

The Lost Army of King Cambyses

In Book III of “The Histories” (between 490-480 BC), Herodotus of Halicarnassus tells of the Persian king Cambyses, who after having conquered Egypt in 525 BC, sent an army of 50,000 men to the Western Desert (Egypt) to destroy the oasis of Siwa, site of the oracle of the god, Zeus Ammon. Herodotus related “… the Persians sent to...