
Architect, scholar of stone materials and collector Specialist in Classical Antiquities, Art History, ancient coloured marbles, restorations, Geoarchaeology, precious and semiprecious stones, Glyptics...

Dario Del Bufalo, born in Rome, graduated with the highest honours (110 cum Laude) in Architecture at the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ in 1987, supervised by Bruno Zevi. He shares an atelier with his two brothers, Luca and Costantino, who are also architects, in Rome. He is a member of the Professional Architects Association of Italy since 1988.

He has curated various exhibitions and events including the ‘Art and Science’ section of the 42nd Venice Biennale in 1986 in the Corderie building, under the direction of Professor M. Calvesi.

   He was among the curators of the celebrated exhibition (beloved by Prince Charles, today King of England) about antique coloured imperial marbles at Trajan’s Market in 2002 entitled I marmi colorati della Roma imperiale.

As a student of Professor Raniero Gnoli (Marmora Romana, 1971) for his research into coloured marbles and stone materials in Roman quarries, Dario Del Bufalo shared with Professor Gnoli many excavations and surveys for the study of these ancient marbles and of the Roman quarries in all the countries that border the Mediterranean Sea, that came under the imperial influence. He has been also pupil of great restorer and art historian like A. Giuliano, F. Zeri, G. Cellini, V. Sgarbi.

Dario Del Bufalo has participated in many archaeological expeditions undertaken by CeRDO Milan (Eastern Desert Research Centre) with Alfredo and Angelo Castiglioni for missions to Berenice Panchrysos (Sudan) and to research the discovery of the Lost Army of Cambyses (Egypt, 1999).

He taught History of architectural techniques and ancient materials at the Faculty of Cultural Heritage at the University of Lecce (from 1998 to 2007), publishing the volume, Marmi antichi e pietre dure (Congedo Editore, Galatina 2000).

Dario Del Bufalo was Chief Secretary to the Vice Minister, Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi at the Ministry of Heritage and Culture (2001-2002).

He performed many expert reports in Italy and abroad, in 2003 he was consultant for Christie’s on the claim in the high Curt of Justice between Taylor Lynne Thomson (Claimant) and Christie’s with the 7th Marquess of Cholmondeley (Defendants) for the Law firm Reynolds Porter Chamberlain, about the Porphyry Houghton Urns. Thanks to his expert report and testimony the Defendants won 70% of the case.

Together with the famous Italian documentary director Folco Quilici, Dario Del Bufalo codirected the film L’Impero di marmo (Istituto Luce, Rome 2004), that won the prize of the International Festival of Archaeological Films.

He curated the entire restoration of the Castle of Cecchignola in Rome and restored the ancient rooms of the residence of the Popes, Paul V Borghese and Leo XII Della Genga (2004-2008).

He was President of the Università dei Marmorari in Rome on the occasion of its sixth centenary of its foundation, which was celebrated in 2006 with a series of studies, conferences and publications, curated by a special National Committee of the MiBACT.

He curated the successful traveling exhibition and the catalogue of Fakes. Alceo Dossena e la scultura italiana del Rinascimento (L’Erma di Bretschneider, Roma 2021).

He also writes a monthly column for “The Art Newspaper” : Bvfale Archeologiche.

Amongst his latest publications are: Precious Portraits (Allemandi, Turin 2020), Porphyry 2nd edition (Allemandi, Turin, 2018) Murrina Vasa, (L’Erma di Bretschneider, Rome 2016); Porphyry (Allemandi, Turin 2013), Marmorari Magistri Romani, (L’Erma di Bretschneider, Rome 2010); Studi di glittica, (L’Erma di Bretschneider, Rome 2009); Catalogo illustrato della glittica della Fondazione Santarelli (L’Erma di Bretschneider, Rome 2009); Marbres de couleur (Actes Sud, Paris 2004); Marmi colorati (Motta Editore, Milan 2003). » See all publications

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